pondelok 29. augusta 2011

DROPSHIPPING or modern E-shops

Forget the big warehouses and seed capital.
When you want to open e-shop and still thinking about classical way....
then definitely what you need is large initial capital for procuring all goods offered, as well as considerable investment in premises where the goods will be stored. In addition, you have to think about the personnel who will handle your order, pack and send.  How all these facts can be quite easily removed?
Magical word dropshipping.
 In practice this English word means a new model of operating an online store that does not take into account the supply of goods and stores. The principle is simple. Part of the responsibility is transferred to the supplier. E-shop owner is responsible for creating itself as an online store, and display the menu. Goods physically remain at the supplier and the customer only when the goods in e-shop purchases, will start the whole process. At that moment, ordered the owner of the e-shop goods from the supplier, that it packed and sent under the auspices of e-shop directly to the customer. Payment is running like a chain... step by step  - customer pays the operator e-shop (the total amount for the goods + shipping), and the operator turn the supplier (the amount agreed upon for the goods + shipping)
text translated from:

štvrtok 18. augusta 2011

FOREX or money, money, money :]

The foreign exchange market (forexFX, or currency market) is a global, worldwide decentralized financial market for trading currencies. Financial centers around the world function as anchors of trading between a wide range of different types of buyers and sellers around the clock, with the exception of weekends. The foreign exchange market determines the relative values of different currencies.
The primary purpose of the foreign exchange is to assist international trade and investment, by allowing businesses to convert one currency to another currency. For example, it permits a US business to import British goods and pay Pound Sterling, even though the business' income is in US dollars. It also supports direct speculation in the value of currencies, and the carry trade, speculation on the change in interest rates in two currencies.
In a typical foreign exchange transaction, a party purchases a quantity of one currency by paying a quantity of another currency. The modern foreign exchange market began forming during the 1970s after three decades of government restrictions on foreign exchange transactions (the Bretton Woods system of monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the world's major industrial states after World War II), when countries gradually switched to floating exchange rates from the previous exchange rate regime, which remained fixed as per the Bretton Woods system.
The foreign exchange market is unique because of
  • its huge trading volume representing the largest asset class in the world leading to high liquidity;
  • its geographical dispersion;
  • its continuous operation: 24 hours a day except weekends, i.e. trading from 20:15 GMT on Sunday until 22:00 GMT Friday;
  • the variety of factors that affect exchange rates;
  • the low margins of relative profit compared with other markets of fixed income; and
  • the use of leverage to enhance profit and loss margins and with respect to account size.

If you want to try forex go to :
and open your free practice forex account.

to your e-mail you will receive your ID and password.
Then download and install software to your computer.
Log in to VT trader and check tutorial.
You have automaticly open few charts, but for start you need only EUR/USD chart.
Close all charts, undock and maximize eur/usd chart, set time interval to 30 minutes.

next step...
RED COLOR / you can buy or sale
GREEN C./ you can apply some INDICATOR
BLUE C./ you can apply some TRADING SYSTEM
Trading systems get you signals when you have to buy or sale...
Indicators get you only informations abou trend and what happends. Only you with indicators help decided if you will buy or sale.
You can trade by technical analisys or fundamental analisys.
Tech. a . is based on that, what's happend on market.
Fund. a. id based on that, what's happend on world.


/ that isn't CASINO...it's real business
/ never starts with real account with real money, practice by fictive acoount
/still go with trend
/ use stops
/never risk more than 5% account money
/ write your rules to paper and use that
/ cut your looses and keep your profits run
/ use simple metodes for trading

I wish you goood luck ":]

How to make money ?

 all of us dreaming about win a prize money in lottery or other hazard game, but this luck is intended only for a few of us. we are not luckers, we must earn a money by yourself.
 There are a few ways how to earn money...

We can earn money by classic job. Nice idea but only when you actually need money or when you are working in sector which you like. If you work few hours daily , you are earning too much money and you have your dream job, you are lucker as well. All of us know that we are working so hard but payment is still so appaling. Mostly it not depends on your skill.
 No work, no money, no fun dude(?)

And what abut your own business? I think that´s good way how to find a balance between work and money. Beginnings are difficult, but when you put effort into that , it comes back..This is a run for long distance, but it´s better than common job.

tradingggg ? yeah..very hood way how to make huge money...you can try it on demo account and
you can trade
 / FOREX   [check it on my blog :] ]
 positive side is that every brooker house try to help you to trade, becouse your traded money are their earned money :D
negative side is  trading psychology whitch destroy lot of traders...

that's biggest business of this age...
you can earn money by 
/net SHOPS
there are to much oportunities how to earn money there...
 I will write extensively posts about all of these earning tips soon...

nedeľa 14. augusta 2011

Truffle or Fungus too ...

I want to present you this type of mushrooms. This is part od huge culinary business.
A truffle is the fruiting body of an underground mushroom; spore dispersal is accomplished through fungivores, animals that eat fungi. Almost all truffles are ectomycorrhizal and are therefore usually found in close association with trees like oak, hazel, hornbeam, beech, linden, poplar, cedar, black pine, etc.

There are hundreds of species of truffles, but the fruiting body of some (mostly in the genus Tuber) are highly prized as a food. (kilogram price in europe it can be 1000 eur to 2000 eur  for black truffle and from 2000 eur to 4000 eur for white truffle).The 18th-century French gastronome Brillat-Savarin called these truffles "the diamond of the kitchen". Edible truffles are held in high esteem in French, Spanish, northern Italian and Greek cooking, as well as in international haute cuisine.

Looking for truffles in open ground is almost always carried out with specially trained pigs (truffle hogs) or, more recently, dogs. The Lagotto Romagnolo is currently the only breed recognized for sniffing out truffles (although virtually any breed could be trained for this use).

  •  White truffle
  •  Black truffle
  •  Chinese truffles
  •  Summer or burgundy truffle
  •  Other species
  •  Truffle-like species

Black truffle

Clean white truffle

Summer truffle

Chinesse truffle

Source:  wikipedia.org

piatok 12. augusta 2011

wtf ??

Hi :],
my name is Jakko. I'm 22 y.o. guy from small but incredible corupted state Slovakia :]  In this blog I try to present my views on what is going on around me. I think, that everybody from us have many information about whitch can write, but I prefer and I try to present mostly positive information from my and our lifes, whitch maybe can help me and you :]
    Primary I want to present how easily everybody from us can earn some money. I hope that you will take it and it  it will make your day :] Whatever you think, our world is perfect place. Everybody from you reading this text can achieve anything you want.