Everybody wants to make easy money online. Why? More than half of the people in the make money online niche don’t even want to aim for making a fortune. While the fact is that more than 90% of the people in this niche will not be able to even make a living making money off the internet.
That’s when the question drops in that do you want to make easy money online? If the answer is yes then there is one warning: By nature all humans are greedy, if you cannot control your greed you will still make money but will never make easy money. This is different than making extra money, as I’ve already talked about how you can earn extra money in my previous articles. However, it’s only different when you look at it from the perspective I want you to, which is the money-maker’s perspective.
I can see the words coming out of your other ear. What I was trying to say was that you can never make money to your maximum capability if you’re resting. When you’re greedy, your greed want let you take work easy and hence you will make more money but it will not be easy.
The only reason why thousands of people are joining us every year is because of marketers telling them that they can make easy money online. Showing pictures of themselves resting at the beaches, their ferraris and the good life which certainly depicts that making money online is easy which is not the case to some extent.
Many internet marketers argue that there is in fact no such thing as ‘make easy money’. I’ll agree with them when you see that at every other website, they don’t even know what they’re talking about. They grab a few of their friends & family members to write testimonials and the newbie falls into the trap.
I agree with that thinking. However, if you learn things yourself and learn from free stuff from experts, that’s how you’ll succeed. This can also help you make easy money. This time I mean, getting more output from less work. For example, you work 1 hour a day and average around $100 per day. So that gives an hourly pay of $100 which I call easy money!
I decided to write down a plan that a person can use to make easy money. It would not involve a lot of efforts and can be easily used to make easy money unless you’re greedy as mentioned above. 
Make Easy Money With A Blog
I know it sounds hard when you hear the fact that more than 98% of the blogs out there get less than 50 visitors a day which contributes to somewhere near 1 cent a week. Only 2% of the blogs are generating more traffic than that and even out of those more than 50% cannot make money out of it, forget making easy money.
The problem is: Either they’re doing it all wrong or they don’t want to get traffic and make money. Well whichever the case is, I suppose you do want to make easy money, don’t you? Then please read what is necessary and don’t skip that out.
I will not get into lengthy details, instead I’ll just highlight some points that can help you improve your chances of success or tell you where you’re going wrong. If you don’t have one, just look around the blog and you’ll find a guide on how to start a blog.
Pick a niche that you know something about. Don’t put Adsense yet! Write around 2-3 unique articles a week and put in some effort to write 1 pillar article a month. Be active in social networks and other blogs. Try to link bait.
After 2-3 months, if your blog is pulling in 200-300 unique visitors a day and has a pagerank 3 above then throw in the adsense ads. For the adsense placement, make sure that the ad is above the fold (the user does not have to scroll down to see the ad) and is on a place where the user is likely to look.
That should get you around 15-20 clicks a day (depends on the type of traffic) and if the advertiser pays well you can make $15-$20 a day and could check in a $500 cheque from Google at the end of the month. Now that’s what I call easy money!
Make Easy Money Online By Creating Online Assets
This might be a little linked with the previous ones but this wouldn’t exactly fit the definition of easy money but once you do a little work then I’d consider it the most highest level of easy money.
By online assets I don’t mean flipping website and all or having valuable domains. What I mean is that make a website, work on it to get recurringtraffic and then put it on auto-pilot and make money with it.
If you haven’t guessed it by now, I’m talking about niche blogs. Unlike the first ones, these involve less work and are easier to set up. First you need to find a money making niche and get all your keywords. Next, start a blog over the keywords and the whole topic.
Write around 2 articles a week, each article targeting a sub-keyword. Start building backlinks slowly. After a few months, you may reduce your posting frequency to 2 or 3 articles a month. But as before, do not put adsense before 2-3 months. Or before your website/blog starts appearing on the first page for the keywords you’re targeting.
The advantage of this method is that, some niches take a lot of time for people to find them. Hence, if you find them at the right time you can profit off those keywords for almost little or no work. I call this complete automation of making money and totally easy money once you’re done and trust me neither one of the method is as hard as it sounds so have a strong gut to try them out.
Don’t neglect the importance of these words, I’m giving valuable information out for free. This might be the very time in your life when you start to make easy money online!
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